Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tia's First Playdate

I have a friend named Trina who I met through our bowling league.  She and I were pregnant at the same time and both bowled up until the very end. We even played each other in a championship game which was comical because we were huge with big bellies trying to bowl.  I think she kicked my butt!  Her daughter Kayla is exactly one month older than Tia born on November 19th.  Tia and Kayla have met several times but we finally decided to do a play date over at their house.  I have seen Tia interact with her friends at school and she is loving, she shares, and I had never seen her really get angry over toys. But let me tell you, I saw a new side of Tia the moment we walked in the door. It was like two adult women checking each other out, looking each other up and down, and staring at each other. Kayla and Tia just looked at each other with wide eyes and we weren't sure what was going on in their heads.  We finally got them to go play with some toys, but then it was game on. Kayla followed Tia around and Tia wasn't having any of it. I think she thought Kayla was going to take the toy she had out of her hands, but Kayla just wanted to hang out with Tia.  Tia would run from her and scream out like Kayla was a monster.  This went on for about an hour. We had to hide certain toys from them because they'd fight over them and the moment Kayla got near Tia, Tia would scream.  I was amazed. I guess I thought they'd instantly hit it off. We ate dinner and hung out for a while and I think Trina and I just thought - oh well, we'll just have to keep doing this so they get to know each other.  Finally, a little later, they both were climbing up onto the couches, then back down. They started interacting and laughing with each other. They were communicating and seemed to finally be getting along.  So Tia's first play date wasn't a big disaster, but we decided we are just going to have to do this at least once a month so they get to know each other better and won't have the diva looks when they see each other.  They even sat together and watched So They Think They Can Dance, or whatever that is called, which they seemed to enjoy. 

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