As most of you know, I've done modeling for the past 10 years here and there. I started out when I was about 22 and quit my agency a few years back to have Tia. I do have one client that still calls me up to do photo shoots which is for Harley Davidson apparel. I can never say no because they are like family now and they don't mind if I've gained a few pounds, have a different hair cut, even that I have braces, and better yet when I'm pregnant. So yesterday I did a photo shoot and I felt fine in the morning and showed up at the gig. They gave me about 10 shirts to shoot in and I started going through them. The first several outfits seemed perfectly fine. Then I got that weird 'in your head' thing where it sounds like everyone is in a tunnel in your head. It was driving me crazy and it wouldn't go away. Then about the 4th shirt I was shooting with two other girls with a Harley in between us and the flashes started giving me that poof poof poof feeling almost so loud they sounded like gun shots. I started getting hot and had a weird feeling. I snuck off the bathroom, tried to see if I was going to be sick, but it just seemed like I was a bit light headed. I headed back and this time I was in more of a long sleeved zipper sweatshirt so I was a bit hotter than other outfits. In fact, the next several were going to be me with this same sweatshirt over different colored shirts and long sleeved shirts...about 8 in all. About the second one, I was shooting and I was trying so hard to concentrate, but every time the flashes would go off, it felt like when people faint in the movies - that is exactly what I was feeling. Finally, a flash went off and I blacked out. I was standing, but I couldn't see anything. I put my hands up and said 'hold on, I'm not doing so good here'. Then when my vision started to return, they were telling me to go sit on the couch. I started to make my way over there, but didn't quite make it. I felt light headed and sweaty and then I felt myself feel weightless and started to fall. I blacked out. It was like I saw myself being caught and put on the couch, but I didn't really do anything to help. I was in a daze. They got me some water and a fan. I was so embarrassed. Luckily, I've been doing these shoots forever and these people were like family now, so it wasn't so bad. We made it through 5 more outfits with each having 15 or 20 shots each. I sat down in between and I just took it easy. They didn't make me do anymore long sleeved things with the sweatshirt on top. Even after wards, I sat over to the side watching some the other models shooting and every time that flash would go off, it would get me. So weird of a feeling. These flashes are the size of posters and there are 4 of them surrounding where the model stands. It is a dazed thing for me as a pregnant person. However, I did this shoot when I was pregnant with Tia, but never had this feeling. Maybe because it is 100 + degrees outside didn't help. Plus, I've been sick with this baby. It is just craziness. After I ate lunch that they provided, I started to feel even better. Driving to work was a bit of work as I didn't feel 100 percent, but I didn't feel like I was going to faint or anything. I was just eager to get to my destination. I did tell them at my last doctor's appointment about having a ton of dizzy spells and they told me it is most likely a mixture of being sick from this baby and a bit dehydrated. Wfew! I can stand to go without any more of those! I had a Thirty-One Party after work yesterday and had to drive an hour to this small town. It went well. I sat the entire time and it went well. So after working basically my full time job and two part time jobs in one my fainting spell - I crashed hard to bed last night.

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