Every time Tia sees a pen, crayon, pencil, or marker she literally dives for it and wants to write on anything in sight. So I decided to get her some of those markers that only write on special paper. They had some Dora the Explorer markers and coloring book, so I decided that would be perfect. She has a cute little student desk in her room that she loves to sit at and so I put her on there and had her start going to town on her writing skills. She picks up the marker and puts it in her left hand. I take it out and put it in her right hand. She takes it out and puts it in her left hand. We did this for about a minute until she finally gave up and used her right hand. Every now and then I'd see her using her left hand, but she would use her right hand too. So I think it is a toss up whether she'll be a lefty or righty. It is told to me that I was a left when I was born and up until the age of 5, my dad worked on me to be a right handed person. Well it worked because I am dominately right handed, but what is really funny is that I do favor my left. I have always been a bit ambidextrous but I still write with my right. I have HORRIBLE hand writing and I have always wondered if I wrote with my left hand most of my life would it look better. I can write with my left hand, but backwards - you just have to see it to know what I mean. I kick with both my feet when playing soccer and when carrying Tia, I will only carry her on my left side. So we'll see what she ends up being. But right now, the kid loves to write with writing utensils - I can't wait to see if she is creative like me and loves to draw. I think Chris drew a bit when he was young too. It is amazing how she can take the cap off and put it back on the markers. She does get mad when she can't do it, but I just talk her though it. 'Turn it around honey' and she does and slips the cap back on, looks up at me with a ginormous grin on her face pleased with her accomplishment, but the cycle continues. I tell her to be calm and patient and work through it. Surprisingly, she does listen, even at age 1, and she gets through it. Her little temper of frustration does come out once in a while, and I know how that can be - as I'm sure we all know. Regardless, she is growing up and FAST!

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