When we are at home on the weekends, our typical routine involves Tia watching a lot of Barney DVDs on our ginormous big screen. As much as Chris I love hearing and seeing these DVDs over and over and being able to sing every song, we've decided we needed to come up with a good solution. The biggest reason is because we love our big TV and really want to keep it from burning out quickly. The other reason is just for sanity purposes for us. We don't have cable nor do we have an antennae hooked up to watch regular TV. We only use the big screen to watch DVDs that we rent. We have our awesome iPad that we use to watch a few shows on the ABC Player like the Bachelorette, Extreme Make-Over, Shark Tank and a few other things here and there. Last weekend we moved Tia's room from the front room to the back room. Basically, it has the double bed in there, her crib, a small shelf and all of her toys. This has made for a great place for her to play and we can keep the living room less 'daycare' looking. Tia is a smart cookie and can turn off the big screen in the living room and turn it back on. She understands what it means and how to do it. So we figured, wouldn't it be great to put a tv/dvd player in her room and just teach her how to turn it on and get it going. We have a very small tv/dvd combo that was just sitting in our basement and we thought, what the heck. Might as well use it. So we put it in her room. We color coded the two buttons that she'll need. We showed her how to turn it off and on and hit play, and viola! What was so cute, is that she has this cute Elmo chair that she sits in to watch her tv. We watched a movie last night on the big screen and I could look over and see her sitting in her Elmo chair watching her own movie. Perfect! Yeah, she is only 1, but I remember seeing my nieces stay over and turn on/off/play DVDs on that little TV a few years back when they were 2 and 3. Tia is really analytical and picks up whatever you show her, so we figured we'd give it a try. Now we can stop hearing 'I love you, you love me....' every 10 minutes, lol. Chris and I laugh all the time because on cue, we'll both start singing a Barney song, realize what we are doing, and then crack up at each other. Chris laughs because kids no matter how small can come into anyone's house, figure out how to turn on and off the tv and even watch movies. But adults spend hours trying to figure it out on their own equipment. The irony just cracks me up!

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