Tia is nearing the two year mark. Amazing how time flies. I can't tell you how much she weighs or how tall she is, but she is getting big..that's for sure. She wears 18 month clothes and size 4 shoes. She still has barely any hair although from time to time, school is able to put them in tiny little pigtails which is the absolute cutest. She can say pretty much anything and knows about 20 words in sign language. She loves doing things herself. In fact, last night, after I changed her, she went over to the wipes, pulled one out and went around to everything and started 'cleaning' it. She'd make a funny 'farting' noise with her mouth, almost like she was spitting on it, then she'd wipe it up with the wipe. It was really funny. I already knew she liked cleaning, but now that sealed the deal. She hates when I leave her at daycare and she definitely has her moments, but 20 months today and growing like a weed. She hasn't grasped the concept of a baby in my belly or do you want a little brother or sister. She says yes, but I don't think she quite knows what it means. I am sure she'll meet her little sibling and after a month or so want them to go back where they came from...but after she gets used to them, I know she'll be a great big sister.

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