The past week or so, Tia has become a bit whiny and cries out when she doesn't get her way. We tend to not react most of the time because we just do not like the whiny demeanor we see from time to time. She gives up after a while, but of course we do give in when it is reasonable because we know she is trying to communicate her needs. One thing is for sure though. The girl knows exactly what she wants and if she doesn't get it, boy is she mad. We were over at Lisa's this weekend and she loves swimming. In fact, she didn't even want daddy to hold her, she just wanted to swim around without him and be free. Of course, she doesn't realize that she does not float all by herself. She kept sticking her head in the water and just acting like a fish. When it was time to go, she became very outraged that she couldn't swim anymore. We figured (1) she was getting tired and cranky and (2) she had been swimming for more than 2 hours or more. She was so mad that when we put her in the car, she was kicking and screaming. It took both of us to put her in her car seat. She was arching her back so it made it tough. She was so upset. As we drove away, her arm was outreached towards Lisa's house. It was secretly so darn cute, but of course we had to stand our ground and leave. She just looked so bummed all the way the home, but of course it didn't take her long to turn her frown upside down. Then the next day, we were at another BBQ and there were about 5 other kids there who ranged from 2 years old to 10 or 11. Tia along with all the kids got in many fights over toys. But it was more the swing that Tia loved outside that set her off again. We had to go inside and eat and she didn't want to get out. I think Tia had been pushed by daddy for over an hour but she was content. Everyone went inside to eat and she was not having any of it. So I went out and did a countdown. That was well received and she even said 'all done' her self. When we took her out, she realized what was happening and got mad again. When we left the party much later, she was not happy to be leaving. It was almost 9pm and the girl just wanted to stay and play. So it looked like to me, that all the kids had the same demeanor of spoiled versus discipline. I guess we can just hope we are doing the right thing and continue to discipline when we know she needs it, not give in when she is being whiny and unreasonable, and understand when she is whining that she wants something that is reasonable. I'm telling you though. Sometimes, it is soooo hard not to cave to her sweet smile and innocent face. She is stinking adorable.

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