Sorry for the recent lack of blog entries...there is some big news brewing that will soon be announced. Because of this news, I've had lack of time and a few other things going on that have made me neglect the blog. BUT I'm excited that soon enough, most likely, Monday, I'll be able to announce the news. I did want to point out that sometimes I have this weird feeling when I look at Tia and I realize that, wow, that's my kid. I know she is almost 19 months now, but I will just look at her think to myself how big she is getting and how much she looks like me and Chris, but at the same time. I just love seeing her mannerisms come out and of course Chris and I will blame each other saying 'that's your daughter' and laugh because everything she does is super cute. I had to give her bigger shoes today..she has been in size 3 for some time, but they just don't fit anymore. I put on some cute Converse this morning in size 4 and of course they looked super long....yes, Lisa, they looked like Skis. Chris even joked about it and he was afraid that she'd fall trying to walk. But she needs to go to the bigger size. The poor girl has sweaty feet like I do, plus they are thick. Chris calls them 'yabba dabbas' because they seem like they are about 2 inches tall (from the bottom to the top). I've been squeezing her into her size 3 shoes for a while and I just decided to go ahead and give her the next size. I think she'll get used to them and hopefully she won't fall that much. She is so interactive too. It is amazing that she is only 1 year old (19 months). She has conversations with you, understands what you are saying, has opinions, attitudes, and has her own personality. She just seems big to me and so tall. I try comparing her to the other kids in her class and her feet did look bigger than the rest, even the boys. She seemed as tall as the rest of them, when she used to be the smallest. I guess I just need to accept that she is my big girl now. Even the next grade level teacher asked me this morning when her birthday was because she would be moving up to her room. Crazy! So exciting and proud too though!

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