My whole life I was a night owl where I'd stay up late every night and sleep in every last possible second. It wasn't until (1) my longer drive to work and (2) Tia's birth that I had to change my sleep habits to accommodate my new priorities. I started to go to bed by 10pm at the latest and get up around 5:30am every morning. In fact, when I was in college, I never had a class before noon. I loved my sleep and for a very long time, if you asked what my favorite pass time was, it was sleeping...and often even now, I have that same answer. Chris is also a night owl too. He may be worse than I am. He is up later than mid-night almost every night and he sleeps in to the latest possible second most days a little after 7:00am. Luckily for him, I take Tia to school every morning so I get her up and changed, etc. He does put her to bed though. Now Tia is becoming a night owl too. She hates going to bed now. If we ask her if she is ready for night night, she'll shake her head no. Before, we would ritually put her to bed by 8pm. Then we crept it until 8:30pm at the latest. Now she is pushing us to almost 9 and some nights she still does not want to go to bed. She also is starting to sleep in more and is super groggy in the morning. She has become super clingy and hates when I leave her at daycare. She clenches onto me and does not want me to leave. She bawls her eyes out when I leave too - I hate that! I think she is just tired because she looks tired in the mornings now. I think she'll be just like me and Chris - night owls and 'not' morning people. But she is still so darn cute no matter what time of day!

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