I think we all know that Tia does not have much hair. But every now and then, it looks long enough to play around with. Daycare put her hair in pigtails the other day and it was the cutest thing ever. They were the smallest pigtails you ever saw and of course my camera was out of battery, but let me tell you with the plaid pants she had on, she looked just like Pippy Long Stockings. Chris said when he picked her up from daycare, he had to look twice and even picked her up and said 'oops this isn't my child' but then he looked again and it was. He instantly called me to tell me he can't wait for me to see her hair. It was super adorable. Right now, she has a baby mullet going on. Not in a bad way, but in a super cute way. She has barely any hair on her head, but the back of her head has these little curls. So cute! I was bald until I was two, so it doesn't surprise me that she's the same way. So cute!

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