We were at a family gathering this weekend and one of the guests said 'I don't think I've ever met a 1 year old with that much personality.' Chris and I were smiling from ear to ear because we certainly know how much personality she has. She was flirting with all the men which was hilarious. She would run by and tap one guy's hand then run and hide. She'd look at another guy and tilt her head and then he'd do it back..she just loved that. She was analyzing everyone from girls to guys to kids to everything in site. She is addicted to stairs and even though she can go up the stairs, we just worry so much about her going down. But after a while we decided to just let her try. That girl was able to walk completely down the stairs almost by herself. She went step by step standing up the first time - boy was I scared. She barely held on and these steps were super tall. Then she went down on her bottom. The best was when she wanted to do it like us big people and she tried to hold on to the top of the railing. So cute. She went up and down, up and down, up and down. We bought one of these battery operated mice or gerbils. I forgot what they are called. Zhu-Zhu pets or something. We bought it a long time ago and just put it away because she didn't care much for it. I brought it out this weekend and she loved that thing. She was giving it kisses and loved chasing it around. The best was when Chris would put it on the floor and tap the button, it would go for a while, she'd scoop it up and hand it back to Chris to turn on all over again. Chris finally said, you do it. She puts the pet on the ground and pushes the button as if she already knew what to do. Chris's mouth dropped wide open and he was like, well, I didn't even have to show her. What is funny is that she is at that stage where she repeats everything you say or do. Another party goer said she had a pretty wide range of words for her age. That she does. We do love that she can communicate whether it is with words or sign language. She gets her point across. She is just so darn adorable and Chris and I just love how loving she is. She'll hug anyone who is sad, even if she doesn't know them. She loves blowing kisses and interacting. She is just at a really fun age. Chris dropped her off this morning for me and said she walked right over to her cube drawer, opened it up, put her blankie and Binky in it, then shut it. He said he was so amazed. Love that little girl!

Isn't it so fun! I can't believe we haven't gotten these kiddos together yet, but we are all so darn busy. Thank God Gabriel has personality because he can get his point across pretty well, even though he doesn't talk. I guess he figures he doesn't have to!