With Tia, I remember there were only a couple instances where I was sitting at my desk at work and I had a sudden urge to get to a bathroom quick. It didn't take me long to get on a regular snack routine and voila, no more sickness. Tia was a pretty easy pregnancy. I mean besides the sore feet and tiredness, I don't remember anything that left me thinking that I never want to be pregnant again. With this baby though, I've been sick from day 1. So hard to explain because I don't actually get sick. I just have the symptoms as though I'm constantly carsick with that motion feeling 24/7 and at any moment the sweat bullets are going to start showing and I'll need to pull over. OR you feel like you are majorly hung over and there isn't enough coffee or aspirin to help. Yes, I've had a couple instances where I ran to the bathroom, but nothing but a couple dry heaves happened. I've just never experienced anything like it before. I hate being car sick and that I am often, but having that feeling all the time is just unbearable. My doctor gave me a medicine called Zofran which is for cancer patients and supposedly not harmful for my baby. I have taken it a couple of times and it gives me major diarrhea. It is like a no win situation, especially when you are at someone's house that you don't know for a party and you are 'stinkin' up the bathroom and everyone knows you've been running in and out. Boy was I embarrassed and of course, I left the party early. It has definitely affected my Paid Time Off. I have taken numerous days off because I just couldn't bear it. I am praying that as I get into the 2nd trimester that it disappears. I have heard both sides of the story - some girls say they were sick the whole time and the other say only in the first trimester. Let's hope for first trimester only!!! A couple of times, I get the major cramping where it feels like the entire stomach... from my boobs to my hoo ha is one solid cramp and nothing feels good but laying down in the fetal position for hours. I hate complaining about it and I feel that is all I do...so I wonder if it is payback for giving some people in my life a hard time when they aren't feeling well...or possibly it just means that baby #2 is doing great and getting what he/she needs from mommy, even if it means mommy is sick. I can't wait to see how the rest of the pregnancy goes.

I know exactly what you are going through and it is miserable. I described it as the never ending hangover. In fact, that's how I found out I was pregnant with Alexander. I'd had just two drinks on New Year's Eve and woke up feeling like I'd had 10...and the next day, and the next. I only threw up a handful of times, and it's just not the same as when you are sick and feel better after you throw up. Lemon ice, saltines, and carbonated water helped a bit. I think they say ginger helps too, but I didn't have much luck with that. Can you believe I WANTED to have another baby after that...ha! I can't decide if it was worse when I was working full time and pursuing my MBA, or when I was home full time with Alexander and STILL pursuing my MBA. I guess my bosses at A-B were more understanding than my two year old! This too shall pass, but I know it seems like it is taking ages!!