When we knew for sure that we were pregnant by me taking 4 pregnancy tests. We were trying to figure out the exact date of conception. Since we knew pretty early on, we figured we'd be able to pin point it down really easily. A friend had given me some really good ovulation tests that we had been using for months. During May, we used one that showed a circle if you were not ovulating and a smiley face if you were. It was a 20 day test and I started taking them early in May. So when Chris asked me when I think we conceived, I said, 'Remember when you were out of town' and he gave me this wide eyed look and said 'when I was out of town, you mean I wasn't there when we conceived?' and we both laughed. I said 'let me finish'. 'Remember when you were out of town, it was either the day before you left or the day you came back'...and he said 'yeah right...I remember when I was out of town'. So word of warning to you ladies. Never start a story about when we made a baby out with 'remember when you were out of town.' So after taking the ovulation test for days, it finally said 'smiley face' and we of course knew it was game time. I just remember thinking to myself that I'm glad it wasn't one day off because Chris had a business trip and we would have missed our window. So we had a good laugh out of it for sure! Mid-May is when our bundle of joy Part II was conceived!

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