I have a good friend who is due soon and so since she knew we were trying, she told me she'd give me all of her ovulation tests. I was super excited because, those things add up. The night we were supposed to see each other, she wasn't feeling well and had to bail. So she gave the tests to a mutual friend of ours who would see me soon. This friend had them in her car for days and forgot about them. One day, she was cleaning out her car when she stumbled upon them. Not remember where they came from she started interrogating her husband 'did you get someone pregnant?' He, of course thought she was nuts and so she finally told him that she found a big bag of pregnancy tests in her car. She asked her husband who had been in her car. He said her teenage son and a neighbor's teenage daughter. Then she immediately thought, well if it wasn't my husband, could it have been my teenage son or worse the neighbor's daughter. So again, she went to her husband pleaing 'Please tell me you got someone pregnant...out of all the scenarios, you are the best case scenario...I can't imagine my son or worse yet, the neighbor's daughter needing these...oh please tell me you got someone pregnant'. When I heard this, I was laughing hysterically. These are the types of things we put ourselves through. I mean, we always think the worst and I am just imagining the husband thinking that his wife lost it and worse that she thinks he cheated. OMG! So funny. Of course, she finally realized who the true owner was of these ovulation tests and passed them along to me along with one of the funniest stories I've heard in a long time.

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