So for Tia's entire life, she's hugged and held onto this cute little lamb head attached to a mini blanket that says Tia on it. We even bought another one because she never wanted to be away from it. In fact, in the morning, I would try to hide it under her covers so she wouldn't see it and want to take it to school with her. She'd look around for it and even cry if we left the room without Lamby. Then she'd hold onto it for dear life and wouldn't let it out of her sight or out of her tight clench. I would change her and literally she would hold onto it with one hand, I'd put her other arm through the shirt. She'd transfer Lamby from one hand to the other, before I was able to put her other hand in. I thought it was absolutely adorable, but always bad when we couldn't find Lamby. All of a sudden a couple weeks ago, she didn't want Lamby but was saying 'Bee Bee' that's Baby in Tia language. She was looking all over the house for it and then she spotted this cute little perfectly round teddy bear that is pink and purple. It is really a plump bear but perfect for her size. She picked it up and rocked it like a baby. From that day on, she could care less about Lamby. She only wanted BeeBee. I have to admit, I love hearing her say Baby in her sweet little voice. When she can't find BeeBee, she'll rock her arms back and forth with pretending to hold a baby. I love it. So it is out with the Lamby and in with the BeeBee! The only negative factor is that we don't have a spare, so if we lost BeeBee, we will be in trouble!

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