I'm telling you, I know every parent says this, but my goodness, Tia is the sweetest ever! She just does things that melt my heart. I love taking her to school in the morning and watching her interact with the other kids. I also love all of her little mannerisms. Not a day goes by that we can't believe she is only a year old and with such personality. She has opinions, thoughts, words, actions, love, and she cares. If you are hurt or sad, I've seen her run over, no matter who it is, and give that kid or person a big hug and leans her cheek in for a kiss too. I love seeing how caring she is. She's a diva too, don't get me wrong. She knows what she wants and when she wants it. She is a night owl who never wants to go to bed. She loves talking and boy can this girl dance. She has moves and I'm not just saying that. She has rhythm to the tempo of the songs, etc. She is getting big and I just can't believe it! I love her sooooooo very much! (as I know so many others love her too - she is very loved)

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