When Tia was less than a year old, it seemed like every time she would get a cold, soon after me and/or Chris would get it too. I have to admit that after about 10 or 11 months of life, Tia didn't pass on much sickness to us. However, this time around, whatever it is that she has is spreading to me, Chris, his mom, her uncles, etc. Whether they are all related is questionable, but we are all sick at the same time. I was out of work yesterday and I know that Katma and Brandon went to the ER the day before. Chris woke up not feeling good today and it is that unsettling stomach feeling...a nausea, some diarrhea, and lost of green fluids keeping us a bit congested. I know it is just a virus or bug that is going around. Luckily for us Tia's diarrhea went away yesterday. She had two loose stools the day before, but yesterday seemed to be the first day that she was diarrhea free and had a bigger appetite too. She has had crusty shut eyes every morning which just breaks my heart. I can't imagine waking up and not being able to open my eyes. She doesn't cry, but I can tell she is annoyed. I give her her bottle and then I take a wet rag and get her eyes cleaned up. I hate to see that and if she cries, the green gunk still seeps out. Yucky! I can't wait for her to wake up gunk free. Luckily, I don't have that symptom, but the same colored gunk is definitely in my Kleenex so it looks like the same bug. Oh well, I know it is part of having babies and daycare sickness. She is still happy and fun to be around. She just cracks me up with how mobile she is. She wants free reign of the entire house, but gets soooo mad when we don't let her past the living room. She's our little diva!

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