First of all, where has the time gone? I mean, wasn't it yesterday that she was army crawling around. Now she is walking, talking, communicating, and understanding more than I would have imagined. At school she has officially moved up to the Toddler Room. She is no long considered an infant. She no longer needs bottles at daycare, no more sheets, or blankets, or baby food. They don't even want to know when she last ate or was changed. Basically, you just drop her off and she is ready to go. They said that she gives the big boys a run for their money. It just cracks me up because she is probably the smallest in the class, but she is the one who is not afraid to stand up for what she wants/needs. But she is also extremely happy and talkative too. They just love her at daycare because, she is always smiling and high energy. It is crazy that she is so big. When they say time flies, they weren't joking. We have been working on expanding the family and I really hope that we get pregnant sometime this year. I had originally imagined that we'd have kids within a couple years a part, but if we don't get more serious about our baby making, they are going to be more than a couple years a part. I guess that is okay too. I can barely remember the sleepless nights and non stop crying, the billy bed for jaundice, the endless sick days, the teething, the thousands of explosions, BUT if we have another baby, we'll get another round at all of those things. Aren't they so worth it? Tia is just a light in my life and I just love seeing her get bigger and more interactive. She is super sweet and I can tell she is going to love life, as well as really live it to the fullest. I hope she gets some of those qualities that Chris and I have. I have always been a positive person, live life once mentality, and really appreciate all of my blessings. I hope she is the same way. She loves to laugh and I know that Chris and I laugh all the time at each other, our own selves, and just because. Live, Love, Laugh is really our motto in our home. I love telling Tia I love her and when I ask if she loves mommy, she'll give a big nod of her head with a big ole smile. She loves laughing and playing. And of course we all love to live! So fun! So blessed! Tia is so amazing....and getting so big.

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