I got yelled at last night by Chris. He was jokingly saying that I'm in trouble because everything I buy for Tia is all girlie and pink/brown. I decided to buy a food catcher for her high chair, as well as a mat that goes under her high chair. What he doesn't know about the food catcher is that I ordered brown, but they sent me an email saying they were out and so I picked pink. Honestly, it looks awfully cute. The mat that goes on the floor, however, is pink and brown giraffe print and it is oh so cute. We are hoping for a boy in the next few years, whether that is baby #2 or possibly baby #3. I realize that if we had a boy next, that would mean we would have to buy a lot of new boy or non-gender specific items. But Tia deserves to be girlie and cute, right? Her car seat has the cute pink/brown flowers and is super adorable. Fits her and matches her room well. We just don't know if we'll have all girls or have a boy in there...heck we don't even know if we'll even have another baby, although we want one and have been trying for months. But whichever we have, we'll just face it when the time comes. Chris was saying that our little boy (pretend, of course) would have to go to school in girl clothes and have a lot of pink items. And of course, I'll get blamed. Well, I wouldn't do that to our kids, but I know a lot of friends who had boys and I'm sure they could help us out. My brother has all girls, my cousin has all boys, my aunt has all boys, my uncle has all boys...it seems that in our family there are a lot of the same genders in families. So who knows which gender we'll end up having. Tia is going to need her stuff for a long while and I can tell she loves all the girlie stuff, lol.

Yay for trying! If you got pregnant soon, Tia would still need a lot of her girlie baby stuff for awhile,even if you have a boy : )