Tia cracks me up because she acts super shy when she first sees people she gets super shy, but once she warms up...she's a little show-off. On Friday, Chris had to pick me up from work because my car was in the shop and I told him to bring Tia with him so my coworkers could see her. I brought her in when she was a couple months old and she is now 15 months old. The over an hour drive does not make it convenient to do so unless I want to take a day off work just to bring her into work to show her off. When they arrived, Tia immediately ran to my legs and got super shy. The entire office who were here still all came to see her. First off, Tia loved the big open space to freely walk around. Secondly, she waved hi to everyone, but was a bit shy on looking them in the eye at first. Soon enough though, she warmed up and started chattering up a storm. She ran around the office and even found one coworker who had a drawer full of stress baseballs. She grabbed them right up and would throw them back to him while going 'yee ah' sort of sounding like the Karate Kid every time she'd throw it. She did great and had a ball. The funny thing was when another coworker, who has jet black hair like Chris was standing there and Tia grabbed his leg thinking he was daddy. She was acting all shy when some other guys came to see her and I told Chris to make it known that she wasn't holding her daddy's leg, but some stranger. She looked at Chris, eyes got really big, she looked up at my coworker, then back at Chris. She let go of his leg and stood her contemplating how to make her get-a-away. She ran for it, grabbed Chris's leg and I just laughed...it was super cute. She did not want to leave work. She loved Technology Partners! Then on Saturday, we were all over at "Aunt" Lisa's house for a get-to-gether and she was shy at first, but of course it didn't take her long to warm up quickly. "Aunt" Leslie snatched her right up and I could see Tia sort of give her a second look, but you could tell she knew it wasn't Mommy, but she didn't get all shy either. Must have been some comfort in Leslie resembling Mommy. Of course she had a blast with everyone else including little Evan (5 years old). She did not want to go to bed and when we put her down, she didn't fuss, but she wouldn't close her eyes either. She kept hearing us out in the common area. Mary went in to see her and snatched her up. Then Tia was up playing for over an hour more and just had a ball. She's going to be a show off for sure. Sunday, when "Aunt" Lisa came over, Tia was pulling out all of her toys and running around. She could care less about her toys all day long until Lisa got there. So cute!

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