When Tia was a few months old, I really liked how she would go to anyone. Even a few months after that, she seemed to be just fine being handed off to whomever. It isn't until a few weeks ago that Tia has started to get a little shy around people. Now that she can walk, perhaps she knows she can run to mommy or daddy if she is shy. When people come over or new people are there to see her, she'll run and put her head between my thighs, grab her arms around my legs and hold on. She'll look over her shoulder, with a small smile, and get all embarrassed. She will warm up and of course she turns into a show off, but I have witnessed so many kids to the run to the parents and hide their head, but now I'm seeing Tia do it. I love it, although I want her to be outgoing enough not to have to worry about people...some people she sees all the time and she is a lot better. One thing I have noticed is how she recognizes kids. She is not shy at all around kids of any age. Even when her cousins came over this past weekend, she became an instant showboat showing them all her toys and running around with a big smile on her face. But when her Aunt Dolor picked her up, she buried her head into Dolor's shoulder. Even when Tia sees the neighborhood kids, Tia gets all excited and loves to run around with them. It just must be a thing where babies & toddlers recognize the innocence in other children. So sweet.

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