Tia is such a sweetie. For a while now, probably 6 months, when I leave with Tia in the morning, Chris and I will kiss each other. I am usually holding Tia and Chris and I will say 'mmmmmmmm' as we approach each other then kiss. She always looks at us like we are from Mars, but then Chris will do the same to her by saying 'mmmmmm' then kissing her. Then I'll so it to Tia. We've been doing this for months hoping that she'd learn to kiss. She has learned to give kisses which is so adorable. A few days ago, Chris said, 'give Daddy a kiss' and she said 'mmmmmmm' as she approached him and then landed a big kiss on him. Our hearts melted...it was so adorable. So now, she will say 'mmmmm' when she kisses. I absolutely love it!

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