This past weekend was quite fun because Tia got to spend some time with her cousins. She has been around them before, but now that Tia is older, she can really engage and enjoy them. For Christmas, I gave my brother Bobby and sister-n-law Dolor 4 Disney on Ice tickets to use this past weekend. They have two beautiful girls named Juliean and Janelle. I remember when they were born and how excited I was to be Aunt Angie. No, this isn't my first time being an Aunt, since I have lots of brothers and sisters and most of them have already had kids. I even have some nephews in their 20's from my oldest sister Tip, but the difference is that they live in Thailand. I do have one niece here named Tori who is going on 20 years old. So my brother and Dolor took the girls on Saturday to Disney on Ice. I met them at the City Museum afterwards and we had several hours of playing. Boy was it fun. I didn't realize how big and crazy the City Museum was. There are caves to climb around and hundreds of tunnels and copper tubes and slides. My brother and I actually were enjoying ourselves although at some points, we could definitely feel that we weren't 12 again. Juliean, who is 6 and Janelle, who is 5 just had a blast! They didn't want it to end. When we left, we tried to go to the Magic House or Science Center, but they were both closing about the time we could have made it there, so we just headed back to my house so they could spend some time with Tia. Boy did they have fun, they played and danced, watched movies, and the entire time Tia copied their every move and had a smile from ear to ear. She watched everything they did and we could tell that it was one of the best days she's had. They took a bath together and Tia just screamed the entire time in joy. They were splashing and she felt she was a big girl from the way she copied their every action. They watched a movie and Juliean and Janelle laid their head on a pillow...Tia crawled right up between them and put her head on the pillow too. They danced to some music and as Juliean and Janelle would spin around, we saw Tia spin very slowly around too. They just had a blast with each other and I know they will every time they see each other. I had that too. When we would go to my Grandma's for family gatherings, I had my cousins Missy and Jamie to play with. Boy did we have a blast and even when weren't doing much at all, it just felt so good to have cousins to play with. Now that we are all getting older and we are having kids, to see our kids play together is even crazier. 1) It is hard to imagine that we all have kids 2) It is even harder to imagine that our kids are playing together. My cousin Josh's boys Gavin & Jude were at the last family gathering and my brother's girls Juliean/Janelle, along with some other cousins were all playing together. Definitely the next generation of Gulledge kids. On Saturday, my mom and Ray came over and cooked dinner. It was just really nice to have an in prompt to family gathering. My brother and Dolor had no plans to stay the night, but ended up doing so because the girls were having so much fun. Even after church and lunch on Sunday, the girls didn't want to leave. It reminds me of a song that my cousin Missy and I used to sing when we had to leave each other, 'I'm sad to say, I'm on my way, back again another a day, my heart is down, but will turn it around, when I'm back in Jersey-town'...or something along those lines. That was probably 20 years ago when we used to sing that song every time we saw each other. Memories!!! And now Tia will start having some fun memories with her cousins too.

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