Friday, March 18, 2011

Does She Need a Helmet

Our poor little Tia, she is getting so big, but a little clumsy.  Last weekend, she bumped her forehead on her left side. A tiny scab formed and it wasn't too bad.  Then on Monday, shortly after I dropped her off, she fell into a crib and bumped  her head in the same spot causing a big bruise.  Just yesterday, another incident report where she lost her balance and hit the tile in the same spot.  It looked like she had a horn growing on that side. The knot was big and purple and huge. It stuck out and I just felt so bad for my baby girl.  Luckily this morning, it has gone down and it looks better. Let's pray she can get through a while without another incident report. I know all kids go through this, but I just hope she doesn't receive a concussion or any long term damage by hitting her head, etc. I'm sure Chris and I were both walking catastrophes when we were 1 too along with all kids in America.  So if you see her, you can give her a little kiss on her left forehead!

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