Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chicken, Hi, & Muah

First off, wouldn't you think that it would be awfully hard for a 15 month old to say Chicken...well, yep, Tia can say it.  The Director of the daycare said, I taught Tia how to say Chicken. She can't say my name Jill, but she can say Chicken.  And of course I had to hear it for my self and low and behold, Tia can say Chicken. It is super cute!  She also says Hi non-stop. She will see new people and say 'Hi' and when we get to daycare, she says Hi too.  Love it!  In addition to the mmmmmm kiss that I talked about the other day, she also does the Muah after the kiss just like we do.  I can't quite say mini-me just yet, but the girl is definitely working on it!

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