All the kids were playing in the cul-de-sac when we got home this weekend. I know the neighbor and she waived, so I took Tia and let her run around with the kids. She had a ball. She was not walking, she was literally running. She had no fear and just wanted to run as far as she wanted without being stopped. It was super cute. All the kids loved seeing her and it just seemed like Tia knew they were kids versus adults. There was a soccer ball (for adults) and they put it down in front of Tia. Tia runs up and kicks the ball and then follows it again, then kicks it again. I was amazed. She knew how to dribble. She just kept doing it. I couldn't believe it. Both of us, are soccer players so maybe she just has that natural ability. I couldn't be more proud of my little tom-boy! I really do hope she plays soccer as she gets older and I do hope she will be better than I ever was. I played as the only girl on the guys soccer team for over 15 years...and throughout my adult life until I got married to Chris. Chris has played his entire adult life until he tore his knee playing soccer and had to have surgery. We are definitely a soccer family.

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