I have always considered myself to have great rhythm. I like to dance and for a while during my college years, I used to go country line dancing every week. Since I love all types of music, I really can dance to just about anything. I credit my creative side for this artistic trait. About a few months ago, we started noticing Tia moving from side to side when music was playing. It was sooooo cute. But last night, she really proved that the girl has rhythm. I had a few friends over to play cards and we were listening to a 70s and 80s station. Every song that came on, she would move to the beat of the song. If it was a fast song, she'd dance quickly and if it was a slow, she would dance slowly. It was hysterical. I think I even caught her head banging on one song. I really do hope she has rhythm and I think she is going to love the attention too. She's my little dancer and I hope she is going to be a creative like her momma!

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