We've been waiting patiently for some teeth to come in, but to no avail....nothing. I have been checking and I am positive I even glanced last night. Although, she won't let you look willingly, but when she laughs or looks up, it's a perfect time to steal a peak. This morning, when I dropped her off at First Academy, the Director said 'she's got those two teeth coming in...' and I said 'WHAT?!?, Really?', because I thought I would have noticed, so I peaked in her mouth and yep, there sits two bottom front teeth that are barely peaking through her gums. They almost look clear, but sitting perfectly side by side are two TEETH! Finally! I see all of her classmates have had teeth for months and Tia has had zero, but after thinking about it yesterday, I'm really not surprised. I didn't have my first baby tooth fall out until I was in second grade and according to some coworkers, that is super late because most have theirs start falling out in Kindergarten. But this is not necessarily a bad thing if Tia takes after me. My teeth are super strong, I didn't have cavities until I was out of high school, and although they recommended braces, I've never had them to this point. I LOVE Chris's teeth and would love for her to have teeth like him, but he begs to differ saying he had a major overbite and had nick names growing up about eating corn and being bucky... I have been told that my teeth are more evolved because I only have 2 wisdom teeth on the top that never came in. So I don't even have wisdom teeth on the bottom at all. Having only 2 possibly wisdom teeth is a sign that is more evolved and therefore may be a reason why I was a late tooth bloomer, as is Tia. No matter how we theorize...I'm so proud of Tia for finally getting some teethers!

Ha ha ha ha. Oh Angie, I had to laugh when I read what Chris said about the name calling. That is too funny. Yes Chris does have beautiful teeth, but I had to fight him tooth and nail (No pun intended!) to get him to get braces. He was a stinker about the whole thing, but now that he is older, he realizes mommy made the right decision!