Our poor baby girl was in some major pain last night. Her pain is two fold, but I believe the major hurt is from teething. For months, she's been teething and has an irk here or there, but I have never heard her whine in pain like she did last night. I have heard other babies whimpering, but not Tia. Chris had her by himself because I was at my bowling league when he called in worry wondering why she wouldn't stop crying, wouldn't eat, and wouldn't calm down. I could hear her on the phone and my heart just ached. I hated hearing her like that I felt helpless because I wasn't there (and she always wants her mommy ;) Chris was worried, but I made a couple suggestions and he tried them. I did call him back after while and he said he finally got her to eat, but that two things (1) she has a yeast infection and her bottom is very blistery...which it has been for a few days now, but we just thought it was the aftermath of her diarrhea stage. (2) her teeth are bothering her. Tia finally had two teeth break through on the bottom and when you feed her, she'll stick her fingers and feel her new teeth. I don't think she quite knows what to think. So it is inevitable that she'd start the whimpering part of teething and thus she has. Chris was all torn up last night and said he just couldn't get the image out of his mind of his little girl not acting like herself. Not reacting like she normally does, not playing, not eating, and being a bit lethargic. He was worried, but he knows it will all get better. So I went and asked the pharmacist what we should do for her yeast infection and we are supposed to put this jock itch creme (starts with an L) for a few days and if that doesn't help, then call the doctor. I also bought Baby Ora-gel and tried to give her a binky with some smeared on it, but she was in too much pain that she didn't want anything. I did get her to finally take it and she knew something was up with the binky because it tasted funny to her...but hopefully it helps. My poor baby!

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