Thankfully, Chris was patient and tolerant enough to force Tia into eating some of her foods that she acts like she doesn't like. He would speed feed her and she'd cry and moan at the first several bites and then finally give in. Of course, Chris would feed her the worst foods first and then her favorites later. She loves Chicken and Turkey and will eat four chicken/turkey sticks at a time. She loves macaroni with cheese, although we've been putting that one on hold to feed her some of the more nutritious foods. But I have to say that because of Chris she is now eating like a champ. Now that she has two teeth coming in, I think she'll become and even better eater over time. I think because she eats well, she sleeps very well at night too. She has always been a pretty good sleeper, but sometimes if she didn't eat much of the hearty foods, she would wake up hungry mid-night.

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