Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy 1st Year Birthday Tia!

Wow, when they say that time flies when kids are babies and to cherish every moment, they weren't a kidding. This year seemed to have flown by with Tia and although there were moments that seemed longer than others, it almost seems like a blur. I have done my very best to cherish every single moment with Tia and to be thankful for every time I get to rock her or hold her or when she says mamamama. I just can't believe she's one and I am sure I'll be saying the same thing on her two year birthday. She has had a great first year and I just am excited to have my little angel in my life and I can't wait to help her celebrate all of her birthdays to come. May God bless her with a long and full life with all the good things that life has to offer and some. I just love my little girl! I can't imagine my life without her.


  1. Happy Birthday Tia!! I was thinking of you guys earlier today. One of my good friends just had a baby girl last Monday, and I felt so cliche saying, "Treasure every moment because they go by so fast!". However, this next year will be so much FUN because they start really interacting and understanding more. I'm enjoying it even more because I know that with Alexander the terrible twos started earlier and were UGLY!!

  2. Happy Birthday Tia! so amazing how fast it does fly...our little guy is 15 months already! Enjoy every minute, even the difficult ones, because you do get through them!
