The past few weeks, Tia has had some major diarrhea and then she got a yeast infection. Honestly, didn't realize that babies can get yeast infections, but she is a girl, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. They suggested putting jock itch cream called Lotramin for a few days and if that didn't work, then we need to get a prescription. Well, it worked or at least it looks like it did. I just felt so bad for Tia because she had a sore bottom and was teething. The poor kid seems to have had a rough year with sickness. Although, the tubes have helped significantly. She is still in good spirits and she still warms my heart with her smiles. She is really starting to show her personality!

Even more interesting is that our neighbor got a yeast infection when he was about 10 or 11 months old, so it is not just girls! I hope Tia feels better soon...2011 is bound to be a healthier year for her : )