Tia went to the doctor yesterday for her one year check-up. She weighs 19 lbs and 3.5 ozs which is in the 20% percentile. Doc said not to worry though because she is a highly active baby and her metabolism is super high. Her height is 29.25 inches which is in the 55%. Everything looks great and she got her shots as well. I wasn't able to be there so daddy had to watch her get them. I think it is by far one of the most painful things to see. He said she did great and was a trooper. When she woke up from her nap later she was really bubbly and playful. She even walked to Daddy several times! So we are going to start whole milk and now that she can eat anything, we'll probably try some other foods in the near future. She is a great eater and loves her chicken and turkey sticks. She eats a lot of baby food veggies. She LOVES mac-n-cheese and yogurt. Of course, she loves icing and cookies too. I think she is going to be a chocolate girl and every time the girl spots food, she starts her pac-man sounds with her mouth. She must have some good eyes too because this morning, at daycare, she spotted other kids eating cereal across the room. The teacher and I both had to look twice to see it. She instantly started doing her pac-man sounds and wanted some too. She loves food!!! But I'm happy to hear that she is doing great and right on the mark. She is definitely growing like a weed and hitting so many milestones. The next few days with Christmas festivities, I'm sure she'll hit some more milestones. I need to introduce her to my Granny's mash potatoes and noodles....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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