So Chris and I hadn't seen a movie at a theater in over 2 years (maybe longer) and recently we've decided to start going a little more now that Tia is getting out of the infancy stages. So a couple weeks ago, while Katma was watching Tia on two different occassions, we decided to go see a couple movies including Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. We just went to the Arnold theater since it was close to home. Last night, Aunt Jenny watched Tia so we could hit another movie. We have a few on our list of would-like-to-see, but the one that sounded the best last night was Narnia (3rd). I was worried because we passed by the movie theater on our way to grab a quick bite to eat and the parking lot was packed. The new Gravois Bluffs theater in Fenton looked nice and it was our first time seeing a movie there. We also chose to see Narnia in 3D to see what that was like. We got to the theater a little early and walking into the theater we realized that we were the only people watching this particular movie. I don't recall every being the only ones but it was a first time for both Chris and me. We had our nerdy Clark Kent glasses sitting mid level in the theater in nice cushy, reclining leather seats. We were taking pictures of ourselves and making jokes. It was actually pretty nice. We even took our shoes off and propped them up on the seats in front of us. Aw - what an experience. So we have decided to try to do this at least once a month. One thing is for sure, ticket prices have gone through the roof! $9.50 per person plus a $3 3D up charge. We didn't get any food or drinks, but we did at our last couple movies. It is insane, and I'm sure by the time Tia reads this one day, the prices will be around $50 per person or some unbelievable amount.

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