I predict that Tia will be walking in a matter of days. By the weekend or definitely by her birthday. She is as close as you are going to get. She will take a few steps confidently and fall, but she knows exactly what walking is and it is so close. She'll hold on to the railing, then no hands, she'll dance or teeter back and forth, then sometimes she'll take a few steps before falling. Like I mentioned in my last post, she took several steps to Chris. She was at her Katmas yesterday and she said she stood straight up from a sitting position with no help from railings or something to pull her up. Chris and I witnessed it that same night and she takes steps almost as if she is going to keep walking. She'll even almost run...so only a matter of days and she'll be on the move. She is going to be a fast kid. I ran track and have been known for my speed in all the sports I played. I even broke some records and may even have one at the high school. Chris is also super fast as I witnessed playing soccer and kickball with him and so if Tia inherited speed from either of us she'll be a fast kid and if I'm thinking what I'm thinking that she inherited speed from both of us, then we better watch out. Just crawling, she covers lots of ground quickly. At Thanksgiving, she trucked up stairs, for the first time, as fast as a 2 year old. It was crazy.

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