Monday, December 20, 2010

Her Name is Justice...

So Tia has many nicknames and most of them make a lot of sense. However, we came to find out that Tia's Uncle Brandon has been calling her Justice for the past year. The rest of us aren't quite sure why, but my theory is that she reminds him of the children's store in the mall called Justice...perhaps. I haven't asked him why because I think it is cute. I love that he has given her his own nickname. My Uncle Rich has always called me Angelina for as long as I can remember. The funny story about Justice is that Uncle Brandon must have told his friends that Tia's name was Justice because he had a friend who came up to Tia and said 'Hi Justice' and then proceeded to say that he loves the name and how unique it is. SO cute! I am sure she'll have many many nicknames over the years from TiaPotPie when she was all balled up in my belly to Peanut when she was first born to Tee Tee at Daycare and not to Justice.

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