I just love how Tia opens and closes her hands gesturing bye-bye. Any time someone says the word bye bye, she'll make that gesture. Or sometimes, I'll be in the other room and I'll wave to her. She'll instantly wave back. I love it. The other thing I love is when I put her in the pumpkin seat, she'll hold on to the handles like she is ready to go. Lately though, because it is so cold, I'll take a blanket and tuck her in, so her hands are under the covers and she's nice and nestled and warm. I have been trying to sneak a hat on her lately. She'll instantly take it off, but then try to put it on herself. It usually ends up sitting on her head, but not properly. I guess I have to give her credit for wanting to do it herself. So I do like that she is understanding what it means to go bye-bye, etc.

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