Tia is such a great big sis. She wants to help with Lexi as much as she can. She loves kissing her on the forehead...notice how she cradles her head - so sweet. She was watching me feed Lexi and I walked a way for a minute. I came back and noticed there was a little bit of milk dribble on Lexi's chin. I was going to wipe it and Tia said with her hand in the stop position to me 'no mommy' and then she proceeded to grab the bib and wipe Lexi's chin. It was so cute. Tia is constantly trying to give her toys, her binkie, blankets, and is always saying 'hi baby Lexi'. I hope they are great friends when they are old and that Tia will always look out for her little sister Lexi. I know they'll fight from time to time, but there's nothing better than being best friends with someone in your family! I'm so proud of Tia...she is growing into such an amazing young person.
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