Monday, February 13, 2012

Family Weekend

This weekend it turned out to be a family weekend. My mom is moving to Thailand on Monday, February 13th and so she wanted to have everyone over to see her one last time. She will be back in April for a bit because her husband Ray hasn't completed his final work contract. Once he is done with that, they will 'retire' in Thailand. When she comes back in April, she'll be with Ray in Ohio. My little sister Sam made her way in on Friday and then again on Sunday as she was passing through to visit a 'friend' at the University of Illinois. On Saturday, my brother Bobby, his wife Dolor, and their girls Juliean and Janelle came to stay the night. My older sister Nan came by as well. Ironically, my step-mom is also from Thailand and she came back in from a flight a couple days ago and hadn't met Lexi yet and wanted to come down on Saturday too. So my dad, step-mom, and Grandma Billie came in on Saturday too. My car had some problems so Chris's dad came by for a while to see if they can get it fixed. So we had a big family weekend. Tia just loved having everyone here. She thrived around her cousins and just followed them around and had so much fun playing with them. It was so nice to see Juliean, Janelle, and Tia all playing. It was so sweet! Tia was so sweet all weekend too. She was hugging on everyone and giving them kisses. She was communicating and just seemed so mature. Lexi had a blast being held by everyone. Chris and I were actually able to get out for a few hours on Saturday night. Since Dolor was there, we had a babysitter and so Chris and I got out to hang out with some friends for a V-Day get-together. It was a nice time. Sunday everyone started heading back home and this morning, my mom and Ray took off. She should be in Thailand by this time tomorrow. It was nice seeing everyone!

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