Lexi had her 1 month check up and the first half went great. She is 21 inches long (50%) , weighs 8 lbs 3 oz (25%), and her head is in the 45%. Doc said she looks great and is very happy with her weight gain. Then the appointment turned for the worse. As Doc was listening to Lexi's heart, she could hear fluid in her breathing. Doc looked up and gave me a wide eyed look. I knew there was something wrong at that moment. Doc said 'hold on, I'll be right back' and then walked out in a hurry. She came back with a nurse and some equipment and they started taking tests on Lexi. I wasn't sure what was going on but I knew it wasn't good. She finally explained that Lexi has RSV which is a respiratory virus. Most kids get it by the age of 3, but when newborns have it, it can sometimes be fatal. It inflames the passageways and the smaller the child, the worse it can be. I broke down mainly because I hated to see my little girl under distress. Doc said she could tell Lexi was struggling to breath. It broke my heart. I felt so bad because I knew Lexi as sick, but I just figured it was the common cold just as Tia had...I would have called the moment I thought she was sick last Friday, but knowing she had her 1 month appointment, I figured it was no urgency. I know most parents often are too worried about things and the doctor's usually calm us down but it is always something so common. So Doc said they needed to admit her ASAP.
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