So at a month old, Lexi was admitted to the hospital for having RSV. I was 32 having Tia when I had my first IV and here is little Lexi having an IV already. She did great though. She was one of 5 babies admitted and they said that Lexi did the best while the other ones were struggling. They only allowed one parent to stay so of course I stayed with Lexi. Chris came up as soon as he heard and we watched as they got Lexi all fixed up. St. Lukes is just such a great hospital and they definitely took care of Lexi for us. They did put oxygen tubes in her nose thinking they would need to give her some oxygen through the night to help her breath. However, her levels never dipped as they had thought so she never needed the oxygen while the other kids did. It was a long night for me, of course. Hard to get comfortable, but mainly just praying she would be okay. I know RSV is pretty common, but there is nothing like the look on the doctor's face that indicated it was a serious matter since she is only 1 month and she was born at 6 lbs 3 oz therefore her passageways are smaller than most. She had a ton of drainage from her nose. They used the normal aspirator but later took the wall suction and they got a ton of boogies out. She ate pretty good considering and in the morning Doc came in and was overjoyed with Lexi's condition. She said she was the best RSV baby she's had and that we could go home later today. We would have to go home with a heart/breathing monitor to make sure she does okay as she gets over this nasty virus. It detects her high heart rate of 220 or low heart rate of 80, as well as if she stops breathing for 20 seconds or more. The alarms on this monitor are piercing loud so we will make sure we hear it and it has fail safes so if Tia gets ahold of it, she can't change any settings or turn it off. RSV can cause babies younger than 3 months to stop breathing while sleeping so this will make sure she does well. It sends data to the doctor to watch. So Lexi is quite the fighter and still our miracle baby. I just wouldn't know what I'd do if anything happened to her!
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