Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Am I Nesting

So I was off for most of the day on Monday to take care of Tia and myself. I wanted Tia to sleep in and wake up on her own. I knew she had had a rough week and I wanted her to start it off in a great mood. She was really happy when she woke up and so I didn't take her into daycare until after 8am. After taking care of some work stuff, I ran a bunch of overdue errands and got back to the house I took care of my own ailment (bad case of pregnancy hemorrhoids) and I had an urge to organize. I ended up switching out the shelves in our walk in closet with a cuter, more feasible shelf from our bedroom and a matching one from our office. I took the two shelves from the closet and dragged them to our office and put them in the closet. I re-shelfed everything in the office and then I went through and organized all of my clothes into the new shelves. I have to say it looked fantastic. Chris got home and I knew he'd be upset with me, but regardless he did say it looked pretty darn good along with the clean house he came home to. I was really happy to get that off my list. I've been thinking about it for so long and it finally got accomplished! yay! So I do think I'm in my nesting stage because now I want to get the Christmas tree up. I told Chris all of my ideas for rearranging and he just laughed, but was hopeful we'd get to it next weekend. I'm feeling good otherwise. My baby bump is getting bigger and she has hiccups all of the time so I know she is doing well. I'm tired but not exhausted which I'm happy about. I hope I don't get that overwhelming tiredness like the first trimester, but I guess we'll see. So excited to meet our new baby girl angel.

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