Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Oh Sh!t

We've been noticing Tia saying something along the lines of 'Oh Sh!t' but at first we weren't so sure. She dropped something the other night and said 'Oh Sh!t' but when I talked to Chris about it, he said I was probably hearing it wrong and she couldn't have been saying that. Neither Chris nor I say that so we knew she probably was saying something different. But, then while I was at work and Chris was with Tia, he heard her say it a few times too. Her language is so cute and a lot of words sounds like that word like 'church' and some others, so we couldn't believe it. Then I threw her tiny golf ball sized puppy at her and it hit her right in the cheek, she laughed, but said 'Oh Sh!t' and this time, Chris and I looked at each other and said 'yep, that is definitely what she is saying' and she has the right context too..when something doesn't go quite right. So we have our suspicions on where she has picked that up from, but we won't say any names. After the incident not too long ago at daycare, we are certain that is not the place she got it from. But in all honesty, we'll just see how it plays out. I can't believe she says that and deep down, it is so funny, but on the surface, we don't want our 1 year old starting out life as a cusser!

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