Tuesday, November 22, 2011


The past few nights I have been feeling baby girl #2 just rocking out in my belly. It feels like she is having a dance party and I have had no idea what she was really doing. It didn't dawn on me until I woke up not able to sleep last night and woke Chris up so he could feel this constant kicking and he said 'does she have hiccups' and it just hit me 'yes, that is what it is'. I remember Tia having hiccups all the time and I guess I forgot about it with this baby. She has them all of the time and during the middle of the night is the hardest for me because it makes me have sleepless nights. Knowing that she is just not jamming out down there gives me comfort in knowing that she can't help having the hiccups and honestly, it was probably something I ate or did to cause it. The poor baby! At least now I know what it is. Tia was breach for most of her time in the womb and this baby is head down, so the feeling of hiccups is totally different. Either way, at least I know she is doing good down there. Can't wait to meet her.

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