Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Candy Witch

I often hear some great ideas that make me want to do them with my kids. A friend who told me about the Elf on a Shelf told me about the Candy Witch. As you know I am a creative, which means I am attracted to creative ideas and am always coming up with creative ideas. So the Candy Witch is like the tooth fairy and is used the night of Halloween. Basically, you tell your kids they can pick out a few pieces of candy for each day of the next week and then they put the rest of their candy outside their door when they go to bed. Then tell them that the Candy Witch is coming and will take the candy but leave you a present. Then after they go to bed you take the candy and leave them a small present. My friend left her daughters a DVD. What a great idea since you know how much candy they get each year. I am definitely going to use this in the future.

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