Thursday, December 1, 2011


Doc is finally saying that Tia most likely has allergies. This is really no surprise to us, but I guess hearing from a doctor is more concrete. There is no 'for sure' about it, but all signs point to allergies. We have to watch her skin allergies because she gets diaper rash that turns into blisters that we have to use Lotramin for days. We have to put doctor prescribed creme on her belly, behind her knees and on her elbows frequently or else she gets the worst dry skin that she scratches til she bleeds. I don't really have allergies, but some mornings the past years, I've woken up with some sinus issues and clogged passages and on those days Chris and Tia sound like old men. It seems like when allergies are high among everyone, Tia is right there with them. So I have had a feeling she has allergies. I hate that she has them, but at least we know and can help her through whatever ones she has.

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