Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Teaching for Junior Acheivement

Today, on my birthday, Chris and I are going to be teaching for Junior Achievement. We will be teaching 2nd graders all day at Jefferson Elementary School, an inner city school here in St. Louis. This is something the staff at my organization does every year. This is my fourth year doing this. I invited Chris to help out this year and teach so he will also be helping. My co-worker Karry and I have done it every year together so Chris will be a great addition to our team. We are teaching on Our Community which talks about living and working in a community. What is neat about Junior Achievement is that it gets kids excited about business. So seeing business people, such and us, volunteering to teach gives them more hope that no matter what your background, they too can achieve big things. I love teaching for J.A. It is a long day and it really makes me appreciate teachers! Karry is going to teach the first two lessons, I'll be teaching the 2nd two, and Chris will teach the third. It will be neat. I'm excited to teach with Chris. Now that we have Tia and another baby on the way, we may have a deeper connection with these kids than if we were non-parents.

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