Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tia is 23 Months

It is crazy how fast 23 months went by. Tia seems so big now. She communicates and has such a personality. Chris and I were just saying how neat it is to see ourselves in her looks and actions. She has slept in her big girl bed most of the week and this morning she woke up, crawled out of bed, and walked into our room. I was so excited to see her do that. She is pickier than anyone and she knows what she wants. She is getting tall enough that she can reach things we put out of reach. She can turn on the iPad, switch from game to game, and watch her videos. She can get up on the step stool in her room, open the DVD player, take out the DVD, put in a new one, and hit play. She can get her own cup from the fridge and put it in the sink when she is done. Plus so much more. Wow on her growth! She is very sensitive and gets her feelings hurt easily but she has a small temper too that shines when she doesn't get her way. She is the faster runner I've seen that young and she has a little athletes body. I can't wait till she can play soccer when she is 3. So excited for her to get bigger. Not to mention she is going to be a big sister soon! Whoot Whoot!

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