Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I bowled for five years on a league and 'retired' when I became pregnant with this baby. Ironically, Chris started bowling with work for the summer and this fall, they bowled on Tuesday nights. Since Tuesdays are when my league bowls, my intention of subbing sort of washed away. The reason was mainly because of Tia and bowling start times. In order for Chris to get Tia, take her to a babysitter and get himself to bowling, he'd have to leave work by 4. For me, it would be even earlier. Fortunately, Chris is off this week and when the girls asked if I could sub, it worked out. Chris was able to get her to AJs and to bowling in time. I didn't do too bad with a 155 average but I wasn't very consistent. I also got super tired half way through the second game. But it was so nice to see everyone on this ladies league. Chris bowled on his league about ten lanes down. It was fun!

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