Friday, October 14, 2011

Night Owl

Tia is such a night owl. She does not want to go to bed. We have set her bed time at 8:30pm because that seems to be about the time we've fed, played, washed up, and are ready for her to go to bed. However, the past months, she has really tried to push that time to as late as she can get. If you ask her if she is ready for night night, she'll say no. So we'll have to coax her into going to night night which is not easy. She does fight it and she gets so upset. I have friends whose kids can barely keep their eyes open after 6 or 7 and here is Tia the night owl. Now Chris is a super duper night owl and I used to be before having Tia, so it doesn't surprise me. She gets up in the mornings with me around 6ish and lately she has fought that so now I know she is my daughter because I love my sleep and I love sleeping does Chris. The past few nights we'll put her in her bed and she'll talk or sing to herself. Last night, she did it for over an hour. It was super cute of what we could hear through the monitor, but it was getting to be almost 10 and she was still jabbering away. I loved it when she started singing 'dada dada daddy daddy' and I could tell Chris just loved that. She sings and talks and we just get a kick out of it, but the girl would not go to bed to save her life, ha. I have a really hard time sleeping and I pray she does not grow up with that problem. I don't think she will, because we've exposed her to noise and other things and she has had no problem. I do know she has started to get 'uncomfortable' and I definitely have that problem too. My thing is that I grew up in a quiet house. It was so quiet you could hear every cricket alive. It was also pitch dark. So I am used to having nothing but dark stillness when I go to bed. College was a chore because I had some terrible roommates who didn't care if they were loud while I was sleeping. My cousin Missy has slept with a fan her whole life and I started to adopt that shortly after college. I know it took a short while for chris to get used to it, but now he loves it too. The fan helps me get that steady quietness I need while Chris can stay up and watch movies, etc. My mind races too. A list of to-dos or things I need to work on race in my brain at night and it causes me to have a hard time falling asleep. I will say with being pregnant again, it isn't as hard to fall asleep because I am always so tired. The other thing is if I watch movies right before bed. I will spend an hour or two analyzing the movie. One reason why I can't watch scary ones anymore because I'll spend countless hours reliving every part of it in my head. I sure have a vivid imagination and I guess I am super analytical, but sometimes when it is time to go to bed, I just wish I could shut off the brain power to get some Zzzzz's. Probably why I have such crazy dreams too. So me being a night owl days are long over with the arrival of Tia, but I can tell she is a night owl too.

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