The past several mornings, Tia has been super clingy, extra cranky, and does not want me to put her down when we get to daycare. I hate seeing her cry, but I have to leave to get to work on time. I am not sure if she'll crack this routine. She has been this way for months, but after being sick last week, she added the crankiness that is hard to handle. As a parent, it is so hard to know what your child needs if they can't communicate it. When she woke up this morning, she seemed fine, but then she wouldn't eat, drink, let me change her clothes, and just cried. She wanted to be held, but acted like she didn't. She didn't want daddy or do any of her normal routine. I just had to put her in the car as is. I changed her and fixed her hair when we got to daycare. When we went in, she seemed fine again and then as soon as we got to her classroom, she went into a cry. It feels like I'm abandoning her, but of course I'm not. Hopefully she'll rid this soon. I would hate for Chris to have to go through that during my maternity leave. Maybe she knows there is another baby coming and wants to hold on to being my baby girl for that much longer, ha. Either way, I just can't get enough of Tia. She is just such an amazing addition to my life!

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